What Dog Food Do Vets NEVER Feed Their Pets? (The Surprising Truth)

What Dog Food Do Vets NEVER Feed Their Pets? (The Surprising Truth)

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🔍 In today’s video, Dr. Andrew Jones reveals what types of dog food vets never feed their pets and why. You might be surprised to learn about the toxic ingredients hiding in popular dog foods that could be harmful to your furry friend. We’ll dive into the risks associated with certain commercially available dog foods, uncover the hidden poisons often overlooked in pet food labels, and discuss healthier, safer alternatives. If you care about your pet’s health and want to make informed feeding choices, this video is a must-watch!

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⚠️ Disclaimer: This video is designed for educational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional veterinary care. For any health-related queries, always consult with a qualified veterinarian.


  1. My 2 huskies won’t eat raw meat, so we cook thier pork either in the oven or boiled. They love it, of course with veggies.

  2. So what should we feed our dogs and how many times a day etc, i have a presa canario and i feed him a tin of dog food mixed with a large cup of dry biscuits twice a day..! He seems healthy enough but is there another affordable diet for him? Thanks 💙🇬🇧

  3. it really is sickening that we cant trust what’s in our food as well as animals shocking / they spend more on the packaging and too much ,than good decent nutritious food / its getting worse you can see it ,hell what are we going to eat soon ? i don’t trust much these days because having the internet you can research and you normally find everything’s a scam x

  4. I’ve sent raw pet owners spend fortunes on their dogs. Sorry I don’t care. Even eating the worst food, a 10 year life with maybe 2 of them being bad is a great deal. They don’t have to hunt or survive, they just exists. Call me old school. But animals do not have rights and pets are not entitled to the best options only.

  5. I feed my dog 1/3 cup of high protein kibble every meal plus 1/3 cup of fresh raw chicken or 1 can of tuna and 1 raw egg.

  6. I don’t know I think raw would be the most healthy diet for a pup. But, to ensure your dog is getting all the correct nutrients and vitamins, you need to be feeding them pieces of the entire carcass. Meat, fat, heart, liver, all the stuff. Just as you would if you were going to do the carnivore diet yourself. You need the fats, and high mineral body parts and organs on that diet to be healthy.

    The dogs going to eat all the parts if it was a wolf chewing on a deer. Not just the juicy good cuts with all the fat cut off.

  7. I have started letting my dog have raw deer meat and raw or unpasteurized milk. Shock alert. She is doing great. Works for the canine family in the wild. We do give eggs and fat I tender myself and no more vax heart worm poison etc. we use colloidal silver and other suggestions you have posted. Thank you so much for breaking the mold. We love our animals

  8. Is the Dog food brand Fromm a good choice? I’m getting a new puppy soon and I want to make sure he has something that’s good for him

  9. Vets all get paid by Purina. So they always push their products, ever been to a vet that didn’t have a science diet display in the waiting room?

  10. I lost 3 dogs Within a mo of each other, feeding benefit and I still feel bad because it was too late to help them. The vet said , you know it’s the breed not the food. I have learned so very much since then.
    I do give a tsp of bacon fat once in a great while in their food.

  11. I love how honest you are. The worst ethical offenders are those in authority. I have had plenty of disappointment in doctors & vets. It’s quite pathetic

  12. Hi Andrew, I am 14 seconds into this and can I be honest ??

    This is a car crash mate

    I will check you later stuff, but no. This doesn’t portray you in a good light.

    Oops 1.4 million people will ‘react’ buddy………… have a chat with your advisers as the whole content is confusing and after 14 seconds you have zero authority or any reason why people should waste time.

    Peace and Love buddy x

  13. mixed review on this video.. I watched halfway thru, looked like he was totally anti-raw food. Unless you finish the video (my daughter made me do it! lol) you don’t know what he’s really getting at. Also, he missed the onion and possibly garlic toxicities. For over 20 years I’ve been feeding my dogs at least one full meal a day of raw meat and bones, another of carefully selected kibble and some home supplements like eggs, sardines, salmon oil, etc.; none have needed vet treatment until near the end of their lives, and none have needed dental work.

  14. My dog is almost 16. She ate Blue Buffalo dry. As she got older, I switched to the canned. She developed pancreatitis because whatever I was eating I would give her some. It’s hard to find a low-fat, low-carb dog food. My vet said that after a few days of cooked chicken, I should put her back on the Blue Buffalo. Waiting to see how she does? Wellness chicke stew is lower in fat and carbs, but she would’nt touch it. My parents always fed their dogs Vets, it was just canned horsemeat. 😢

  15. Science Diet Hills vet recommended food made my dog very sick. She was never the same & died 3 years later from cancer.

  16. I’m a raw feeding dog mom for 22 yrs. I’ve never been sick from handling the raw food anymore than handling the raw chicken or turkey I prefer for the humans in the house. I wash my hands before and after like everyone should anytime handling food. I don’t listen to vets, I only listened to one holistic vet who taught me how to feed raw and home cooked for my dogs.

  17. So wish this had come out years ago, I lost my beloved pitti to cancer a few months ago. It breaks my heart it was probably all my fault. Fed her Pedigree and Milkbones most of her life, quit feeding her the Milkbones when I found out about the BHA, now I find out the kibble I fed her also has BHA. My heart is extra broken, and guilt ridden as well, knowing I’m probably the whole reason she got cancer.

  18. God, thank you for deliverance from evil and from wickedness. God, thank you for no enchantments and no abominable broth in our vessels. Please keep us from abominations In Jesus mighty name. Amen 🙏 Even when we see the abomination that causes all desolation. May we escape. We love you in Jesus mighty name. Amen 🙏 🤍

  19. I’ve had six Dobermans since the mid 70s and when I got my first puppy, my excellent vet recommended that I should feed her dry Pedigree puppy food and switch her to adult Pedigree when she got older.

    He recommended that I feed her twice a day and that I should moisten the food with hot water and let it absorb until it cooled. The food expanded in the bowl and not in her stomach and she didn’t need to gulp down a gallon of water in order to digest the food.

    She lived to be 14 years old…as did all of my Dobies except one, who was a blue and had to be put down at 8 because of an inherited, untreatable skin condition that blues get.

    My last Dobie made it to 14.5 years old and ate Pedigree twice a day all of his life.

    The rescue Dobie that I have now was in bad shape when I got him. Very dry, flaky skin and hard stool. They gave me a big bag of Purina Pro Mix with him, but I weaned him off of it and switched him to Pedigree and his skin and hard stool problems went away.

    He also gets a little of what I eat mixed into his food every day…meat, fruits and veggies…and raw beef marrow bones to gnaw on to keep his teeth clean. He gets no commercial treats, bully sticks or rawhide chews.

    I can’t afford to feed an 84 pound Doberman ‘specialty food’ and commercial dog food that you pick up in the store is pretty much all of the same, so you just pay more for the name.

    I was able to get Pedigree in Costco or BJ’s but they stopped carrying it in favor of the more expensive brands, so I can order it online from Chewy and get it delivered to my door. Can’t get the 55 pound bags, and the 40 pound bags cost as much as the 55 pound bags used to, but it’s still a good price compared to Purina.

  20. In Asia, Africa, and most non-western nations… people just feed their dogs and cats the scrap and leftovers from their own meals, just like humans have always done since the time of domesticated animals (pets). It’s a proven and successful method since there are millions and millions of pets living healthily and thriving in these nations right along with their people.

    In China, pets have never gotten the modern health problems as nowadays, but only since they have switched to feeding their pets with big corps food instead of their traditional table scraps/leftovers. Just as the same thing happening to the Chinese population plaguing problems with problematic westerners’ health issues (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc.) since their economy has opened up to western fast food restaurant diets from McDs, Burger King, Dominos, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc.

  21. Our whole food chain is becoming tainted. Baby food has high levels of heavy metals (americas lawyer mike papantino has been fighting corporations for many years). Its time to make the fda do their job. No one is immune except ceos apparently.

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