In our newest vlog, I answer the question “Cesar What do you feed your dogs?” From food to treats learn what we feed our dogs at the ranch, when we feed them, and why we feed them! Remember it is important to know what state of mind you are feeding.
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My Mission: Better Humans, Better Planet
Always remember: Trust, Respect, & Love
What type of ground meat can they have?
He openes up the container of liver treats, little black dog behind him, was already licking his lips and nose 😂
question. What could I give my dogs for a specific issue, I have a big dog (pitbull, doberman mix, 2yo) and a small dog (chihuahua 6yo) my chihuahua has shown issues with allergies not sure what allergies but I have to be aware of food, my big dog seems to have similar issue, he has dry/itchy flaky skin and red/no hair spots on his paws and in his paw pads are all red, so some kinda issue with him too, about a week ago I started adding salmon oil, and virgin coconut oil to there food, which is victors high pro plus, and the small dog just started victors no wheat no grain like 3 days ago, but my big dog still eats my small dogs poop, before I could clean it, even though its something he stopped doing a while ago cause I took them out separately (but that’s something I shouldn’t have to do just cause of feces), what could I feed them, or do to stop him, its gross and annoying, and I dont know what other healthy food(s)(supplements) that are cheap I could give them are
Can you feed them kibbles and at the same time raw bones some times as a treat?
Rice is inflammatory, a dog should not be eating that on a daily basis. Inflammation causes cancer. A raw diet is best. Buy a well-known brand such as small batch or Steve’s. Also adding in raw goat milk, such as answers brand is incredible. Adding a pasture raised organic raw egg. A few times a week is also incredible. Kibble is horrific. Everyone should watch the documentary PET FOOLED. It exposes the pet food industry as well as many brands like science diet and Purina, which are known for killing dogs and causing cancer. If you must see a veterinarian, find a holistic vet. Stay away from kibble and vaccines… They will kill your dog faster than anything.
Cesar please help me get closure. My 3 year old gsd passed away to gdv.. his diet has always been 90 percent home cooked meals and 10 percent kibble. That fateful day i fed him kibble for dinner and he didn’t run or exercise.. he was just walking. He didn’t do anything different that he was not doing previously. He ended up getting gdv and though we rushed him to the vet and performed surgery and he even survived the surgery, he eventually didn’t make it because he got infected from the surgery. I dont know what I did wrong for him to get bloat. There was nothing different to what his routine was. It breaks my heart to know that even though his maximum diet has been home cooked meals , i do not want to believe that the rare time of feeding kibble caused him that because its not fair. I have put my heart and soul cooking for my baby and its just not fair that the very few times of eating kibble might be the reason for it. If kibble is the cause then every 1 out of 2 dogs will get this. So i cannot accept that this would have been the problem. But he didn’t run or play after that. Did i do anything wrong. Please let me know so i can be aware of it.
Marrow bones…never thought about that. I’ve never seen them in the store. Thank you for the tips. I’m currently feeding beef liver, dark meat chicken with skin, small amount of green beans, peas & carrots.
What about a grain free dog. My dog gets skin allergies and ear infections??
We grew a lot of pumpkins and I didn’t know what to do with them all. I started cooking them in the instant pot (extremely easy!) and mix some in their kibble. They love it and I swear they are calmer from eating it. I can also buy a box of beef bones from the meat processing plant for $10! We’ve raised huskies for 30 years.
My dog hates liver 😂
My dog is a crack fiend for chicken feet
Dogs should not eat rice and corn that is garbage for a carnivore. No wolf eats that garbage
Let me say this about dogs ,all you have to do is give them love ? That’s all it takes to train a dog ! You give them love and they’ll listen to anything you say ! Do anything you want !I don’t like your training techniques! I had 8 dogs they all passed no training, they followed each other and learned off each other !Its very simple !
What they dont tell you is that GSDs and most dogs are allergic to the chicken by product meal that they put in the kibble. My boy is flourishing after switching to no chicken at all
My dog Loved homemade dried chicken hearts as a treat. He would do about anything i’d ask him for it. It also made him a calm, obedient follower.
Cesar, I so admire you and your insight. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.
My poor Shiz tzu is allergic to beef, chicken, rice, eggs, corn! I was feeding him cooked food everyday trying to heal him. I had an allergy profile done. Now I stick with lamb and sardines.
Yep I like to make hamburger meat with rice for my dogs. That’s one of their favorites but I’m wanting to try to sweat up some carrots or celery, broccoli, shredded up and cook it in the hamburger meat to get them to get the vegetables and then add some rice with it.
My corgi can’t have homemade food I tried for months but his stomach is sensitive he is on holistic kibble and I put roper on top
Rachel’s ray is being sued because dna tests uncovered dog Dna but of course it’s being kept hush hush .
What cleans dogs TEETH? I thought kibble did that.
The beautiful rituals for animals, spiritually, must begin where to be responsible, we only choose meat that we can guarantee was loved to the end and treated with dignity. Therefore, the best food involves absolutely no animals dying; no flesh food. No, they do not require meat; they will live longer and be stronger on plants. Period. Repent.
God, thank you for deliverance from evil and from wickedness. God, thank you for blessings in your overwhelming, overflowing ways. God, please keep us from rudeness and even from appearing as rude. God, thank you that love is not rude. Thank you for healing and binding up wounds from rudeness. Thank you that even kind acts can be considered cruelty. I pray for healing from animal cruelty for all of your creation. Thank you for deliverance from being handed over in places where we could have been In Jesus mighty name. Amen 🙏 🤍
my little poddle has gastral intestinal problems and she eats Purina gastral intestinal vet diet, but she really doesnt likeit. Is there anything i can make for her for this condition.
The word goat gets thrown around a lot, but Cesar is the GOAT
Recipes please ❤
I have a Type 1 diabetic mix (sierra is part German shepherd and part lab). She hates needles to the point we’re giving her anxiety pills and they don’t work, and trying to bite (and she never did this before) and now off food only water. Help!!! We have tried many hugs and kisses but nothing works 😭😭😭 I’m so scared, Sierra is now an 11 year old neutered girl, she’s our everything!!!
Just saw a cow stroll through. So funny!
Rice is not good for dogs or humans – Hellow?? Just becasue they like it does not mean anything! I want an excited happy dog not one that has been whipped, That dog food you are shilling for is not good,, check out the amount of sugar in it. say no more,,,
So what raw meat is safe even tho I’m not planning on given it I’m in a debate lmaooo
Oh look an animal abuser! Hi animal abuser!
How about training dogs at the same time
Caesar, you are very lucky I’m jealous.
You have something that I always dream of
What about the dry food? I need that
Can I give my dog marrow bones if he only has his back and front side teeth?
Love the ritual thing man!
Does it list what the brands were?
As a bully stick i used the kind that cleans the teeth. Other food he eats in faster cause he was hungry but just like the meat bones..the bully stick he laid down with it and took his sweet time.
I have been watching you for as long as you’ve been on tv. My uncle Tom got RIP got us all hooked on you. I have watched you and your training techniques are correct. I have used them for years. My family is is on our 11th dog asher blue a blue merle cockapoo 7 months and we have our mix rescue 11yrs now and your techniques always work. We lost Moses our Brussel Grifon passed in April shy of his 20th. I have always had dogs growing up and my dad taught me techniques similar to yours and this is my 12th and 32yrs of marriage with 3 children this is our 5th dog. We always have 2 . We always get compliments on how well behaved they are and i always say dog whisper and say your name. God bless you and THANK YOU for your the being a blessing to our family. ❤
My dog could only eat boiled beef with buckwheat. He loved it.
I feed my dogs with fresh chicken, vegetables, and grounf turkey with a little bit of good crockets. Also i exercise both of them , i walk both, twice a day for two miles each one❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
My husky/pyrenees is now on an all raw diet and he has LOVED it! ❤
My dog just passed in August ,a Shih Tzu she was 19 and a half years old ! She ate the science diet her whole life so it has the vitamins and minerals they need !That’s what most important ! When dogs have problems and go to the vet digestive problems ,they always recommended the science diet ! My dog lived a long time on science diet canned food ! That’s it ,they’ll live a long time it has what they need in it and that’s all I have to say ! Go science diet!
THANKYOU for the tips
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the kislux and I loved it, but I wasn’t going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
Very Helpful , I’m Getting A American Bully XL Puppy . I Wondering What To Feed Em . I Was Stuck Between Raw An Kibble , I Told I Will Do The Ground Beef A Rice With Veggies 🥕 An Eggs Shells With The Salmon Oil . A Give A Bully Stick For A Treat . Question How Many Times Should I Feed Em Been That He’s A Puppy
Anyone feed their dog hurraw feed
I feed my Boxer Kirkland (Costco) Green bag dog food kibble mixed in with / rice / broccoli /Blue berries / some bananas from time to time and she gets Milk Bones dog treats ~ She also gets meat from the table sometimes and loves chicken but no pork ~ Her fur shines like the sun ~ I noticed in her poop that the blue berries and broccoli don’t digest well so I mash them up into little pieces ~ In other words she eats like the queen of the house like she is ~