3 Popular Dog Supplements I REFUSE to Buy ❌

3 Popular Dog Supplements I REFUSE to Buy ❌

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Dogs chatter teeth when they’re nervous, stressed, painful, or in this case, excited!!

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*DISCLAIMER: Some of my links may include affiliate/sponsor links. What does this mean? Your purchase may support our mission to #saveallthedamndogs

PSA: This is my personal opinion based on what’s biologically optimal for dogs & what I’d feel comfortable feeding my pets.

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Disclaimer for all related content:
*Please note, this channel is not intended for children under the age of 18. I am not a professional dog trainer or veterinarian. Any tips, product ideas, food, treats, suggestions or advice are simply my opinion only and what works for me based on my research and degree in Nutrition science. My content is not intended to replace your vet/trainer recommendations. Please always seek professional guidance before taking any action. Please foster, feed and train dogs at your own risk. FTC: My content may include affiliate and/or sponsored links which means your support helps move our mission forward. Privacy policy: www.rachelfusaro.com/privacy-policy.

#dogshorts #dogtreats #dogfood


  1. Damn, I work at Petsmart and thought that Zesty Paws was the best. I’ll definitely start pushing people more towards the Native Pet isle now lol (definitely love Native Pet myself too!)

  2. Does the Allergy from Native Pets have ingredients to help my real itchy allergy ridden dog? Right now we just use local honey but that only goes so far.

  3. Thank you so much for this info Rachel. I purchased the Pet Lab Co to help w/ my pups allergies. I wish I would have seen this video before purchasing but it is going back to Amazon asap. Thank you again from Junior and Maverick 🐾

  4. I live in Australia and all of the good dog supplement companies don’t ship here I’m trying to improve my dog’s meals so can someone recommend some good supplements that ship to Australia.

  5. The AMOUNT of money I lost by sharing this, but I will always speak my truth! Integrity > money all day everyday!

  6. Thankyou, because honesty is rare these days! ..and I was literally just about to buy the probiotic, and the multivitamin from zesty paws for my girl who is 7 and 1/2, I would’ve hated to waste that money, but something was telling me it didn’t seem right, especially with all these raving reviews, but then a few here and there where people are showing pictures of the treats coming all crumbled or saying they’re a complete waste of money! So thanks again for saving me time and money, and from a flip out also 😅❤

  7. Wha about ruff greens? My vet wouldnt do anaesthesia on my small dogs they both had elevated liver enzymes he suspects ruffgreens

  8. Sad thing is I give my son Petlabco for his stumic for a while now🤦🏾‍♂️
    You have helped me with this one. That last one you have mentioned I felt it in my gut to grab but it was so much more money at the time.

  9. Also…….vets can’t make $$ if they don’t keep our dogs sick somehow. That’s why they don’t care what’s in dog supplements. These companies work with doggie pharma aka Vets. Afterall,
    A doggie cured is a doggie customer lost!

  10. Thank you for your honest opinion I really appreciate it. I’m glad you think have the best interest at heart for pets

  11. Yeah i bought those sesty paws probiotics
    And they dont help
    Need to get them in
    A capsule. They are cheap. Never again
    By the way giving your dog honey by
    The weight of your dog helps. Honey is
    A naturaal antibiotic.
    When your dog needs an antibiotic.
    Ati inflamitory

  12. What do you recommend to calm down my dog? She is very friendly but she has an ear infection and I want to clean her ear without her getting aggressive and want to know what to buy please!!! Thank you

  13. Thank You for making this video!
    We had subscribed to petlab and my dog was not found of it… it had a Smokey scent like the bbq charcoal and was just not the business …

  14. People are so stupid honestly…..SKIP THE FANCY DOGGIE VITS! USE THE SAME PROBIOTIC YOU USE YOURSELF!!! 1 CAPSULE in the food. Done
    Add a flax oil or salmon oil capsule also.
    .that’s it. If your dog has dry skin…add more salmon oil….and maybe some apple cider vinegar with water.

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