Time wasted….I need help with the fleas on pets outside inside and now I’m seeing them on me … I’ve spend over 2000 trying to rid them.. and they multiplied.. HELP…
These meds contain insecticide which kill insects in the environment. Many animals suffer serious side effects from ingesting these poisons. Cancer is at an all time high. Fipronil and Afoxoflaner are chemicals that you should not give your pets. Would you give these to your baby? Vets must be more honest. Please check in the prevalence of heart worm and ticks and fleas in your area. There are alternatives to keep your pets safe! Do your research!
There are class action law suits on some of these now. My puppies were given Nexguard when we picked them up and they both had reactions and one had a seizure after 1st dose. It sucks these are still being promoted. One seizure is way to many for a healthy puppy.
"have a discussion with your vet" well guess what i have two huskies my vet wanted to put my female on simparica trio while the male was on simparica and interceptor plus (while they were at max weight) yet they are both huskies and the male weighs about 10 pounds more than the female. i said to the vet "why do you want to put my female on a lesser dose so she can get fleas and ticks when you gave the male a stronger dose when he was 4 months old", the vet said nothing because she knew i was right and because she was trying to sell what she had at markup. now my vet just approves my online prescriptions and i order from chewy or petco while both my huskies enjoy the same medications (Nexgard and Interceptor Plus).
as long as you are choosing the right product for the age and weight of the dog there is no need for a discussion with your vet because your own vet isn’t looking out for your dog(s) but their own wallet.
My vet have recommended Bravecto spot on for my dog. I am really content with the results. I also saved my bucks by purchasing this product from VetSupply.
EVERY LAST THING ON THAT TABLE IS DANGEROUS. I’ve seen dogs develop both seizures &/or RENAL FAILURE from both BRAVECTO & SERESTO. I’ve got 2 dogs buried in my backyard, (separate events), because of BIG PHARMA.
Never forget. Never forgive.
So the comments have people saying do not use these, but yet nobody who says that really iffers any other options.
Dont tell me essential oils, we use them now and have been for quite some time and , its a waste . So before you comment the facts that these chewables kill animals, please offer an alternative . We love our dogs and we are being overun with flees. We bath them, we always are vacuming, washing bedding , even used salt and baking powder mix . But nothing freaking works . So if someone has an affordable way to handle the problem healthier , please let me and others here know because simply saying that these products kill dogs and not offering by experience what you have done to stop a flee infestation safely , is useless, just like this video was.
My dog had seizures with Simpatica Trio chewables. Like on the dot once a month. I was so confused but googled it and saw this was a real thing. I stopped and haven’t given him anything for a long time now but it’s really affected how often we go on walks. I went and bought a topical from a pet store called NextStar now. If anyone has any advice or experience with this medication please help. Hopefully a topical will not be as bad.
Siimpatica trio has 24mg sarolaner, .48 mg maxidectin, and 100mg pyrantel. I have a cattle dog a little on the smaller side, male.
The “precautions” on the box do say that an adverse reaction to sarolaner is tremors, ataxia and seizures. We’ve had three seizures while I tried to figure out what was going on. I, myself, had epilepsy as a kid so I didn’t panic at first since my pup seemed to just walk it off but the monthly nature of the seizures revealed to me what was really going on. How is it possible that this is allowed on the market? It’s not okay!!
I need an effective medication against ticks because I live near a national park and just lolling around in a field I brush off a few ticks off of him every time. He’s been tick bitten like thrice now despite my vigilance so it’s a serious concern. At this point I’m avoiding the park until it gets like winter cold. I’m that worried.
Speak to your veterinarian: sounds like they want more money out of your pocket into theirs. It’s a simple answer, yet he will gaslight everyone into going to the veterinarian. It’s too lucrative not to. It’s always about money.
Collars are toxic and can harm children. Be careful. Our cat had a seizure on a topical applied to his neck area. These are pesticides essentially and they can damage the nervous system. We almost lost our cat to these horrible drugs.
Here’s a review. My dogs have been using Advantix II for years. NEVER have I seen a flea. But I decided to try Credelio since it’s not "messy" like the topical. It’s been 3 months and my dogs are covered in fleas! They’re in my house, on my couch, sometimes on ME. I’m VERY DISSATISFIED. Back to messy topical Advantix in for us!!
She really did work to have a good interview with him. Good for her but I wan’t my 4 minutes back he didn’t give any information about the products he had on the table.
This stuff is bad for your pets. Only use when necessary and use the minimum needed. For some good information check out this video from Dr Karen Becker and a couple others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygCDVtis_0U
These are all insecticides that attack the nervous system of our pets. The infestation has to be serious before considering these, but not on a regular basis. Many animals have been dying of sudden kidney failures and having seizures among other serious health issues.
My dog had seizures with Simparica Trio chewables. Like on the dot once a month. I was so confused but googled it and saw this was a real thing. I stopped and haven’t given him anything for a long time now but it’s really affected how often we go on walks. I went and bought a topical from a pet store called NextStar now. If anyone has any advice or experience with this medication please help. Hopefully a topical will not be as bad.
Siimpatica trio has 24mg sarolaner, .48 mg maxidectin, and 100mg pyrantel. I have a cattle dog a little on the smaller side, male.
The “precautions” on the box do say that an adverse reaction to sarolaner is tremors, ataxia and seizures. We’ve had three seizures while I tried to figure out what was going on. I, myself, had epilepsy as a kid so I didn’t panic at first since my pup seemed to just walk it off but the monthly nature of the seizures revealed to me what was really going on. How is it possible that this is allowed on the market? It’s not okay!!
I need an effective medication against ticks because I live near a national park and just lolling around in a field I brush off a few ticks off of him every time. He’s been tick bitten like thrice now despite my vigilance so it’s a serious concern. At this point I’m avoiding the park until it gets like winter cold. I’m that worried.
Poison! Do not use any of these toxic chemicals. Do your research. These types of products kill and cause neurological disorders. Don’t do it. These pharmaceutical companies should be sued for their greediness and carelessness.
And ticks….?
Time wasted….I need help with the fleas on pets outside inside and now I’m seeing them on me … I’ve spend over 2000 trying to rid them.. and they multiplied.. HELP…
And if you don’t want pesticide n possible cancer..try a natural approach
Waste of time
These meds contain insecticide which kill insects in the environment. Many animals suffer serious side effects from ingesting these poisons. Cancer is at an all time high. Fipronil and Afoxoflaner are chemicals that you should not give your pets. Would you give these to your baby? Vets must be more honest. Please check in the prevalence of heart worm and ticks and fleas in your area. There are alternatives to keep your pets safe! Do your research!
Thanks for not teaching me about medications
Wrong dumb ass seresto collars are TOXIC they will KILL your cat !
So what’s the answer to "the best flea and tick medication " ??????????????
There are class action law suits on some of these now. My puppies were given Nexguard when we picked them up and they both had reactions and one had a seizure after 1st dose. It sucks these are still being promoted. One seizure is way to many for a healthy puppy.
Waisted time watching the video!!! Talk to your vet !!!!😂😂😂😂
"have a discussion with your vet" well guess what i have two huskies my vet wanted to put my female on simparica trio while the male was on simparica and interceptor plus (while they were at max weight) yet they are both huskies and the male weighs about 10 pounds more than the female. i said to the vet "why do you want to put my female on a lesser dose so she can get fleas and ticks when you gave the male a stronger dose when he was 4 months old", the vet said nothing because she knew i was right and because she was trying to sell what she had at markup. now my vet just approves my online prescriptions and i order from chewy or petco while both my huskies enjoy the same medications (Nexgard and Interceptor Plus).
as long as you are choosing the right product for the age and weight of the dog there is no need for a discussion with your vet because your own vet isn’t looking out for your dog(s) but their own wallet.
My vet have recommended Bravecto spot on for my dog. I am really content with the results. I also saved my bucks by purchasing this product from VetSupply.
Blah Blah Blah ! ;-(
EVERY LAST THING ON THAT TABLE IS DANGEROUS. I’ve seen dogs develop both seizures &/or RENAL FAILURE from both BRAVECTO & SERESTO. I’ve got 2 dogs buried in my backyard, (separate events), because of BIG PHARMA.
Never forget. Never forgive.
Bravecto is the BEST!
Dont waste your time watching.
So the comments have people saying do not use these, but yet nobody who says that really iffers any other options.
Dont tell me essential oils, we use them now and have been for quite some time and , its a waste . So before you comment the facts that these chewables kill animals, please offer an alternative . We love our dogs and we are being overun with flees. We bath them, we always are vacuming, washing bedding , even used salt and baking powder mix . But nothing freaking works . So if someone has an affordable way to handle the problem healthier , please let me and others here know because simply saying that these products kill dogs and not offering by experience what you have done to stop a flee infestation safely , is useless, just like this video was.
Bravecto is bad for dogs
Flea collars are dangerous if your dog chew it. Frontline is dangerous id your dog scratches the are and licks it paw.
My dog had seizures with Simpatica Trio chewables. Like on the dot once a month. I was so confused but googled it and saw this was a real thing. I stopped and haven’t given him anything for a long time now but it’s really affected how often we go on walks. I went and bought a topical from a pet store called NextStar now. If anyone has any advice or experience with this medication please help. Hopefully a topical will not be as bad.
Siimpatica trio has 24mg sarolaner, .48 mg maxidectin, and 100mg pyrantel. I have a cattle dog a little on the smaller side, male.
The “precautions” on the box do say that an adverse reaction to sarolaner is tremors, ataxia and seizures. We’ve had three seizures while I tried to figure out what was going on. I, myself, had epilepsy as a kid so I didn’t panic at first since my pup seemed to just walk it off but the monthly nature of the seizures revealed to me what was really going on. How is it possible that this is allowed on the market? It’s not okay!!
I need an effective medication against ticks because I live near a national park and just lolling around in a field I brush off a few ticks off of him every time. He’s been tick bitten like thrice now despite my vigilance so it’s a serious concern. At this point I’m avoiding the park until it gets like winter cold. I’m that worried.
This didn’t tell me anything lol
And it will kill your pet too.
This bitch wouldn’t let him talk the whole time annoying
Soresto is being sued…two pesticides not good…I just tosssed one..wasn’t working anyways.
I was hoping to actually get some information about the medication‘s. This was not helpful at all.
nothing of any importance, he was unprepared and it showed~ Hope he’s gotten better over the past 5 years~
wow. They made a useful segment totally useless by not explaining options.
Wow. Thanks for helping none, whatsoever.
Speak to your veterinarian: sounds like they want more money out of your pocket into theirs. It’s a simple answer, yet he will gaslight everyone into going to the veterinarian. It’s too lucrative not to. It’s always about money.
Waste of time
Dam didn’t even go thru the meds. What a crappy showing.
So glad he didn’t get to talk about ANY medications for Dogs. Pls. Edit the title here!
Waiste of time watching this
I just give them one pill every few month and the tablet makes the dogs blood poisionuzs for tiks anf´d flees, so the just die and a´fall of!
My dog died from bravecto side effects. Please don’t use these products 🙏🏼🥲
Why do they talk but say nothing ? A couple of butt heads / both people suck.
Collars are toxic and can harm children. Be careful. Our cat had a seizure on a topical applied to his neck area. These are pesticides essentially and they can damage the nervous system. We almost lost our cat to these horrible drugs.
If she would shut her yap for a few minutes maybe the good doctor could have imparted more information.
Trash he didn’t say anything
Here’s a review. My dogs have been using Advantix II for years. NEVER have I seen a flea. But I decided to try Credelio since it’s not "messy" like the topical. It’s been 3 months and my dogs are covered in fleas! They’re in my house, on my couch, sometimes on ME. I’m VERY DISSATISFIED. Back to messy topical Advantix in for us!!
All dangerous chemicals with side affects never trust a vet
She really did work to have a good interview with him. Good for her but I wan’t my 4 minutes back he didn’t give any information about the products he had on the table.
This stuff is bad for your pets. Only use when necessary and use the minimum needed. For some good information check out this video from Dr Karen Becker and a couple others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygCDVtis_0U
She put the puppy in a choke hold, that’s why he’s out.
Lol, jk
Well the one is up side down
These are all insecticides that attack the nervous system of our pets. The infestation has to be serious before considering these, but not on a regular basis. Many animals have been dying of sudden kidney failures and having seizures among other serious health issues.
My dog had seizures with Simparica Trio chewables. Like on the dot once a month. I was so confused but googled it and saw this was a real thing. I stopped and haven’t given him anything for a long time now but it’s really affected how often we go on walks. I went and bought a topical from a pet store called NextStar now. If anyone has any advice or experience with this medication please help. Hopefully a topical will not be as bad.
Siimpatica trio has 24mg sarolaner, .48 mg maxidectin, and 100mg pyrantel. I have a cattle dog a little on the smaller side, male.
The “precautions” on the box do say that an adverse reaction to sarolaner is tremors, ataxia and seizures. We’ve had three seizures while I tried to figure out what was going on. I, myself, had epilepsy as a kid so I didn’t panic at first since my pup seemed to just walk it off but the monthly nature of the seizures revealed to me what was really going on. How is it possible that this is allowed on the market? It’s not okay!!
I need an effective medication against ticks because I live near a national park and just lolling around in a field I brush off a few ticks off of him every time. He’s been tick bitten like thrice now despite my vigilance so it’s a serious concern. At this point I’m avoiding the park until it gets like winter cold. I’m that worried.
What about nex guard
Poison! Do not use any of these toxic chemicals. Do your research. These types of products kill and cause neurological disorders. Don’t do it. These pharmaceutical companies should be sued for their greediness and carelessness.