Discover the 7 secrets to a happy and healthy senior dog

Discover the 7 secrets to a happy and healthy senior dog

Dr Jones’ Free Book:
In this video, Dr. Jones shares his top 7 secrets to a happy, healthy and long lived senior dog. From exercising your dog to feeding them the right food, these tips will help you keep your senior dog healthy and happy for years to come!

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Dr Jones’ Advised supplements
Dr Jones’ Omega 3 Formula:
Dr Jones’ 95% Curcumin:
Dr Jones’ CBD for Dogs and Cats:
Dr Jones’ ADVANCED Ultimate Canine Health Formula:

Dr Jones’ videos on Acupressure and Massage:

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  1. I just read your email re diarrhea in dogs and you offered some good ideas on how to treat a sick dogs with diarrhea but I see you left out one I think is really important, PROBOTICS. ? My dogs gets one packet daily of ProPlan FortiFlora .
    Its part of his treatment for diabetes, Addisons Disease and seizures.
    Thanks for your show!

  2. I already do most of this for my dogs. Different acupuncture techniques would be good to know, to help both cats and dogs. Can you do more videos on this subject? I’d also like to see a video like this one, for senior cats.

  3. Great video! I’m happy to see I’m doing a lot of the right things but am glad to know a few more I can add.

  4. I cant afford all the supplements . My two 11 year olds are healthy though . They dont walk as far, but come with me while I do my delivery job and have company from 5.00am to 10am every day . They get a couple of cans of oily fish like mackerel or pilchards per week and lots of left over vegetables . Cuddles and attention are so important too . Loved the video

  5. I been told my diabetic dogs cant have eye surgery for cataracts .
    Do you know anything about Lanomax® 10mL eye drops?????? Ive ordered a bottle!!???

  6. What is the dry food you feed your dog. I also have been doing the kibble with raw attitude method. I found a good supplier for raw near me. However, I just can’t seem to find a good kibble brand that I like the best one. I have found is neutrisource. My dog has grain, chicken and fish allergy

  7. Your videos are priceless! Thank you for making these! I am interested in your supplement but my dog has Hypercalcemia & I’m scared it’s too much calcium. Im going to email your support irt this. 😊

  8. Hello!!! Love your videos!!!
    I have a question.
    Two months ago I took our 14 year old Bichon in for a teeth cleaning. They extracted 4 teeth and told me he would need to see a specialist because it was so severe.
    I did take him to a specialist and he wants to extract all teeth with a 5000 dollar bill.
    Braxton is eating and drinking normal.
    But, I can tell his mouth is very tender.
    What kind of pain relief can I give him ?
    My husband and I decided not to go through with the surgery but I’m trying to figure out other natural remedies.
    I live in Kentucky near Louisville.
    Thank you!!!

  9. My dog has just turned 20 and is starting to struggle with stairs so I’m trying your tips, he’s already on a joint supplement but I’m adding yoghurt and omega oils. But, I’ve noticed he’s started to constantly lick, excessively so. Is there anything I can do to help reduce that? He ends up coughing etc after

  10. This information is priceless for me and my 12 year old medical alert service dog!!
    I also love to watch Tula’s reactions when he moving the squeaky toy around in his hands, ha ha! ❤️

  11. 0:55 manage your dog’s pain through supplements, CBD, DMSO, lots of dog beds around the house, NSAIDS
    2:10 actively engage in touch therapy (Ying Tang Point, acupressure)
    3:35 support for the brain and exercise
    4:18 diet
    5:14 low cost dietary supplement (flax seeds, probiotics)
    6:30 sleep
    7:25 be present
    Thanks for this Dr. Jones!

  12. Got a question? I have senior maltess, vet wants to put her down as of tuesday..says its hopeless.. Dog seems good exept breathing.. She has Cardiogenic pullmondary edema, I made up some rice with chicken and added Turmeric for pain if any, Dandelion for diruetics , going to use colloidal silver as well, I gave her mullein tea when i boiled the chicken, is this good for her or should I skip it.. I am trying my best to help her as the vet wants to kill her..she still walks, barks, wags tail, breathing issues , sacs in lungs full of fluid.. Basically I need to know if the Mullein tea is what I should be doing or should I skip it? everything else I have done my research and I know about herbs, been using them many years on myself and learning which ones to give to pets..Thanks for any help!

  13. My 14 yr old akabash wolf mix has been having serious bladder control issues…she realizes she has to pee after she has gone. Any suggestions?

  14. I’m happy I looked up your video because I adapted a puppy from Pima animal control center here in Tucson , Arizona.
    He has that cough so tomorrow ww are going to the vet and get his vitals and shots and all that, take care of the kennel cough.

  15. Please can you do a similar video for elderly cats. Mine is 21years. Arthritis, sore mouth, seizures which turned out to be high blood pressure. Still happy considering the problems. I don’t think he would survive another vet trip due to the stress. Would love some natural advice. Thanks

  16. Another reason to pet and rub your dog is to feel if there is anything under their fur that shouldn’t be. Ticks, lumps, bumps, unnoticed weight loss, etc.

  17. I have added CBD oil to my 11-year-old lab’s diet, as well as raw honey which you recommend for coughing. She has medium collapsed tracea, and not only did the honey dramatically reduce the amount of coughing to almost none, but I use it to give her the pills (gabapentin) she takes for her arthritis. I also give her a little taurine every day – it has also made a difference. I haven’t heard you talk about taurine. What is your recommendation for it? Thanks, and keep up the great videos.

  18. Our dogs tend to live into their high teens. I have a working (not showing, real working) border collie who still works daily at 12 1/2. I keep my dogs lean, they are outside daily for fresh air and sunshine, and they are kept very active. I feed twice a day, and feed a base of kibble but at least 50% raw meaty bones, and veggies (one will peel and eat a banana). I use freeze dried salmon and liver for treats. My vet is amazed at how long our dogs live. And one reason they live so long is they never go to the vet. They get puppy shots that I give myself then titers. No more vaccines after puppy shots except rabies as required by law and I stop that at age 7. My 12 year BC just had his first exam since being neutered at age 2 and his blood work was perfect. I was a vet tech and I avoid the vet and all the poisons they want me to put in and on my dog.

  19. Great idea on the raise bowl, however mine still seems okay with the bowel on the floor because sometimes she puts her paw in it. 😀 Will I know when it’s "time" raise it? Or best too? Thanks! 😊

  20. Dr Jones, PLEASE PLEASE do some video for dogs with pancreatitis. My dog 14-year-old Shih Tzu had one terrible episode, and I know that can easily come back.

  21. The last point. Pls don’t take them for granted. Give them all the attentions. One day, they won’t be by your side 🙁

  22. Great advice! I mix tumeric and curcurmin powder in with the ground turkey when I cook it. Yes I’ve bought a few comfy dog beds when he could no longer jump up on my bed to sleep😅 he has been convalescing recently from a vestibular episode and is responding well to medication. Thank God. I was so worried about him but found hope in your video about that and your friend’s experience with his dog. I watched that video. We brought him to the vet , she said he had a tumor in his eye and said his ears hurt and recommended putting him down . I was furious! I asked everyone to pray for him and I told that Vet Jesus healed a blind man and made a lame beggar walk. I told her Jesus raised people from the dead. He has had a good appetite and thirsty while convalescing so I knew that was a good sign.❤ Thank God I didn’t take that bad advice from that Vet who just wanted to put him out. You’re absolutely right about anything can happen at any time…a few nights ago he was panting and moving his tilted head and his eyes were twitching. Thank God a few days later after starting him on the med, that Nystagmus has ceased. Thank God he is responding well. He has been getting plenty of rest. I stay home a lot and prefer to be home with him.

  23. I noticed my lab became sick and developed terrible allergies she still suffers from today after receiving prescribed immunizations. That was long before covid. The connection became very clear over time.

  24. you really don’t ever have as much time as you think you do. Take those pictures and videos, do the silly birthday party, have the silly games and do _that thing_ now, not later. I spent a lot of time with my late boy before he passed back in May of this year from spleen cancer, but so much of it was him sleeping and me doing my daily varied things. I refused to acknowledge he was even a senior dog until the final year of his life (11 yrs) because he looked so healthy and so young people constantly mistook him for an adolescent labrador pup instead of the grown mix GSD/Lab he actually was. If I could do one thing over, it would be to do more things daily with him besides just pets and walks and ball throwing, and I would acknowledge his age sooner, so that I could give him the proper diet and *_have the proper time to prepare for loosing him._*

    The worst part of that bad day he went was that I had NO idea he would be leaving me so soon, because I was denying how old he was and how soon he could go. Yeah, the illness was a complete surprise, but I might have been more prepared to lose him if I had not being in denial… With my new pup (adopted 2.5 year old chi) I’ll be trying to do better and face that time more gracefully. It’s hard, but its worth it to ensure he has a good senior age when that time comes.

  25. Notice you didn’t add Fish Oil, should I still give this to her? I add it to her meals daily.
    Can I give my dog regular people’s turmeric for pain? She is 15 and walking alot slower. Tried a couple of different Glucosamine Chews, but didn’t notice any change. 😊

  26. Hi Dr.Jones. What would you recommend using for my dogs dry,itchy skin. He’s a GS/BMC Mix 4.5 years old. I’ve taken him to his regular vet and they’ve prescribed carprofin and allergy medication but it keeps him up all night using the potty. Your recommendation would be grateful.

  27. Do older dogs loose their hearing. I have a german Shepard who seems to be loosing his hearing. He has had ear infections when summer time rolls around. What can i do to help him.

  28. My 12 year old dog was medically sedated today for an x ray and now he wont poop eat or drink water once we came home. Hoping this is normal 😞.

  29. Thank you so much for this video.This video came at the right time.My 11 yr old dog has not been sleeping well, so I will buy the melatonin.I have used small amounts of CBD oil for dogs, it works great on pain & anxiety with my dog.

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