Minimal TOOLS you need to GROOM any DOG and what to buy

Minimal TOOLS you need to GROOM any DOG and what to buy

This is going to help you tremendously! Minimal tools you need to groom any dog and what to buy.
All tools are linked below and each tool is demonstrated in this video. What are the six items you need to purchase to groom any dog and how much will it cost you? In this video, I will show you what tools you need to groom any dog (only the tools you need-total of 6 items). I have a demo that shows you how I use them professionally to groom dogs daily in my salon.
#DogGroomingTipsAndProducts are the focus here on this channel and we are LIVE every other Monday at 5:30pm (EST).

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👇 items shown in this video👇
1- brush
Artero flexible slicker brush:
2- comb
Andis dog grooming comb:
3- clipper
Groomers choice my link

Wahl KM 10 2 speed clipper:
Andis SMC ProClip Excel 5 speed clipper:
4- guard comb attachments
Wahl Stainless Steel comb set:
5- scissor
8.0 inch curved Sapphire shear by Amy Leigh:
6- nail trimmer
Millers forge dog nail clippers:
Grand total:
with Andis clipper: 429.20
with Wahl clipper: 397.94

🐶 My DOG GROOMING Fail-Proof BLUEPRINT will set you up for successful pet trimming in no time:)

💰 Get your Printable BluePrint TODAY! Click the link below👇👇

👇👇👇 great way to practice and learn proper scissor work👇👇👇
👉 Watch how to use PAINT ROLLERS to help your scissor skills:

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👉 Absorber Towel (dry your dog in half the time):
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Valid August 1-30, 2022.


  1. I have most of these items in my Amazon cart…through your link…but I’m having a hard time choosing a conditioner/detangle spray I was going to get quicker slicker but the Tropiclean looks like it has better ingredients. What is your take on that issue? I can’t get the groomers choice loop restraint (they won’t ship to me) what is your second best choice? What do you think of the haunch restraint so they can’t sit down? Any advice on what products to get is most appreciated. I have a two pound tea cup poodle puppy who is very obstinate 😊. Great video!😁⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  2. WOW! You’re sharing stuff here that some professionals would Guard with their life (Trade Secrets).

    I came here wanting to see how to touch up my Son’s Puppy/Dog (Our Grand Dog) that we’re baby sitting for a few months after I give him his fortnightly tomorrow please GOD as his groomer also hasn’t been available since the summer holidays.

    What is amazing is that I didn’t just get info that I could use tomorrow……..but I’m now going to be anxiously awaiting the groomer to do a professional detail just before my Son’s return.

    So you are not giving away Trade Secrets but building owners confidence in Professional Groomers.

    Again, excellent work, easy to follow, great industry service…..Great YouTube content.
    Very positive.
    Keep Going.

  3. I’m glad I found your channel. I’m going to start grooming my English Springer Spaniel. Are there any scissors you can recommend that are not as expensive as the ones you show on this video? Thanks.

  4. Hi Amy,
    I love using these nail clippers. Only thing I need another type for my Shih Tzu’s duke claws. They are very curly and almost reach their pads. Do you recommend clippers that would work for this?

  5. My 11 year old Maltese Maggie’s ears are super sensitive. She now has boxer ears from scratching so much. Her ears are swollen, and not much hair is left around her ears, and she’s got a pedroding purple vein that’s present all the time at the base of her ears. Since scratching so much. Bacteria and overgrowth of yeast in her ears but hair loss throughout her body. Allergies to everything according to her vet. 😢

  6. Do you have scissor suggestions for people that have large fingers? I have a hard time getting even part of my thumb in the hole.

  7. It’s so nice to see and hear a groomer being sweet with the dog and helpful for the viewers. SO many are angry and jaded and completely off putting. Thanks for your kind approach and sharing!

  8. Thank you … I love your channel. I love the tips you give , your expert opinion, I love the excellent and detailed job you on the grooming of the dogs. The pride you take in each dog. You’re amazing.. Thank you.

  9. Hi Amy, I bought the KM10 wahl clippers and they were great to start with, but I’ve only used them 4 times and they are blunt, my husband ended up cleaning them hoping this would solve the problem, but they are still blunt, is this usual please?

  10. Hi Amy, the Wahl Clippers you have posted priced at 197.
    Is that at your discount? When I click on the link they are higher priced.

  11. I have the Kenchi Sapphire Shears by Amy and they are fabulous….and make such a difference for home grooming. I would highly recommend them to anyone considering at-home grooming (whether you are experienced or inexperienced) and you will never go back to the unbalanced shears!

  12. The Wahl clipper is $245.99 and out of stock 😩
    Can you recommend another clipper please and thank you kindly.

  13. Hi! How do I get the 10% off on the clippers? It says 197.99 but when I click the link it comes up as $219. Thanks

  14. Oh there an inappropriate spam in the comments, reporting them to YouTube is waste of time. Maybe you can block it?

  15. Just started in a Vet Assistant Pet Grooming course! You make it look so easy😅Really enjoyed your work and channel.

  16. So I just found your channel this week I have recently gotten a sheep a doodle puppy she’s four months old and to find a groomer around me has been ridiculous and I had an appointment with one today and we were supposed to drop her off at 1:30 and they said that She wouldn’t be available till five hours later and another groomer said that I had to leave her there all day I’m just not even comfortable with that so I am a hairstylist by trade and I have cut my puppies hair in the past but you give so many details and tips and tricks that I would not have even ever imagined thinking about and I appreciate that so much so I’ll feel comfortable in knowing that I can take care of my sheep a doodle myself and she will be groomed in a timely manner and not being stuck in a cage all day. You are very entertaining to watch and I love seeing how much care that you give to the sweet babies that you groom.
    Btw I got the km10 2 clippers and guards. What would you recommend for my Sheepadoodle‘s body because I didn’t want to keep some curls possibly a seven guard? with the 10 blade for sanitary. And which guard would you suggest for head ears and snout. Thanks again for helping us pet owners out and allowing us to take care of our fur babies at home!

  17. Its very expansive the shipping from USA to French guyane i want to buy the clipper you use its 269 dollars and 300 dollars for shipping to french guyane why the shipping is so expansive

  18. I really enjoy this format quite a lot. You are always a joy to watch but I don’t always have time to watch the longer videos but this video was perfect. Thank you so much.

  19. I LOVE your channel! Thank you sooooo much for taking the time to pass down your knowledge and experience! I have taken everything you say, every step, every consideration mentioned, into account starting my own grooming business! My first client today, said that their shitzu mix’s coat was THE SOFTEST ITS EVER BEEN!! He’s 3 and has been groomed since 3/6mos. The only groomer in my small town closed their shop several months ago. So unfortunately I’m going to be having so many poor fur babies that have been matted and not properly groomed for that time, if ever!

    He was very intolerable to the comb, brush and scissors but let me touch all over his face and body—much like Henry the terrible from one of your past videos 😭 It took me FOUR HOURS to get him to let me scissor cut him… he would bite me and the clippers whenever they approached him. I have a feeling that his previous groomer did whatever to restrain him during grooming to just get the job done. It must’ve been very painful for him. I kept my patience, sang to him, baby’d him, switched to my most quiet clipper—you name it! I had to charge double for my time and tolerance. The client was very understanding and I was able to recommend the slicker brush for weekly brushing and the importance of keeping appointments. Thanks to your videos! It was almost impossible to get him to be still even in my harness (like your bunjee paracord one). I’m sure you’ve gotten to the point (of royalty lol) that you’re able to turn those clients away. However. I’m a sahm starting my business and need to be successful to bring in an income.

    I have a 6mo that is exclusively breastfed and hates the bottle, so spending 4 hours on scissor cutting one small fuzz butt is not practical for me.

    What recommendations would you give me for helping them tolerate a clipper cut? Or do I just need to bite the bullet on those intolerable and irritable pups and send them elsewhere?

    I am saving up for the kenchii flash 4 in 1 and wahl km10 that you’ve repeatedly recommended. Im using an older used, 2 speed andis at the moment with a 10 blade, snap on combs and was able to get a new 5fc blade to put on it. Im hoping that will help. Im brushing before, during and after bathing and force drying. Hoping to be successful for myself and for the local pups!

    Thanks again!

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