Pet Insurance: What it costs, what it covers, and how to find the best

Pet Insurance: What it costs, what it covers, and how to find the best

Is pet insurance worth it? Many people know about pet insurance but very few people actually have it for their dog or cat. In this video, I explain why I recommend pet insurance, I break down how it works, terms you need to know, the best pet insurance companies, which policy we ultimately chose, and lots more! Most importantly, I share what to look for in a policy to help you save money in the long run. This truly is EVERYTHING you need to know about pet insurance so you can make a great decision for your pet or pets.

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  1. Basically bottom line get Pet insurance pay out all them mobthly money without help untill AFTER you pay the bill?!…..unless only just a co pay is necessary would be fair.

  2. Hi thanks for this wonderful & helpful video – it help me a tun as an international living in the US. We also just got a puppy and decised to put her on Fetch! Thanks again.

  3. I found your video well done and very informative. Would you like to adopt a rescue dog. What approach should we be taking for pet insurance? Is the records that the shelter gives a diagnosis of the health condition adequate as a starting point for pet insurance. Appreciate any of your comments.

  4. So if you have insurance but don’t have 5 grand laying around .. you screwed? You have to pay up front even w the insurance?

  5. To make the pet insurance affordable, I suggest 5k annual coverages. the unlimited coverages are for the show dogs where owners invests lots of money to maintain their dogs. The copays and deductibles are according to your budget. As a human, we rarely surpass 5k in annual medical bills and I believe 5k coverages are sufficient amounts. It is important to not over insure.

  6. My main beef is I want the point of insurance to be that I can get her help regardless of if I’m between checks or it’s out of my income range not about getting the money spent on her vet bill back. I don’t have $1,000+ just on hand so if she needs something urgently I’m screwed. I don’t care about money I’ll gladly spend thousands of dollars that I will never see again just save my baby

  7. Thanks for the video on pet insurance I enjoyed how you broke down the info. Researching can get overwhelming. I recently adopted a 1 yr old domestic short-haired cat with a fluffy tail in my apartment complex. Found out upstairs niebhors dumped him. I’ve had him indoors since January.I will be purchasing pet insurance soon.

  8. Very informative! Although I’ve had dogs (sometimes two or three at a time) all my life, I never had insurance. But I do now! I eventually chose PetsBest, and I can’t offer a critical analysis because I haven’t made any claims. But here’s how I made my choice:
    1. Do I need coverage for routine well-care? No, the monthly premiums are high, and routine care is easy to estimate, and it’s also easy to self-insure.
    2. Do I need 90/10 coverage? The cost analysis didn’t sustain it. That is, the premiums were so much higher that I felt I can absorb up to 20% of the cost. I am retired, but financially comfortable, so this might not be everyone’s case.
    3. Unlimited coverage. NO! If the bill is $10,000, the dog is probably in a catastrophic condition, and trying to keep it alive is selfish and inhumane. I chose $5000 because, in my experience, that’s the limit that a dog can be saved from an accident or a treatable disease. Spending more money is just throwing dollars at a hopeless situation. And the premium is a lot lower with a cap than an unlimited amount.
    4. Deductible. IIRC, I chose $500 because I can afford $250-$500 out of pocket. The premium is much lower, and I have the comfort knowing that anything higher will be partially covered.

  9. I watched this video a year ago and still didn’t buy the insurance for 2 of my younger dogs. Now 1 of them is diagnosed with heart failure and has 2 months to live. I’m purchasing pet insurance for my 5 yr old doggie and hoping never to use it.

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  11. Nationwide just sent me a letter notifying that they will not be renewing my policies for both my chinchilla and my cat, even though I’ve been with them for over 5 years, and barely any claims made. They told me I have to sign back up, and any illness/condition that occurred WHILE I was covered under the old plan, would now be considered pre-existing! This seems illegal – they are making me sign up as a brand new customer!!! 😡 Stay far away from Nationwide!

  12. Our dog was insured from
    When he was only 6 months old. Our vet advised it because the dog liked to eat weird things. He later was diagnosed with diabetes. His medication was $450 per month – covered at 90%. Then he got cataracts from his diabetes. $7,500 surgery to restore his sight reimbursed at 90%. Then he needed his gall bladder out and was in intensive care hospital at $1,100 per day. Along with the surgery the bill was just under $22,000 reimbursed at 90%. Over the last year of his life, our boy was in and out of the hospital quite a bit. Thankfully insurance continued to pay. His premiums did go up from time to time. There is NO lifetime maximum and his deductible was only $100. We will not be without Healthy Paws the company never batted an eyelash at any bill and paid us within 7-10 days (faster once we started doing direct deposit).

  13. Trupanion every time
    my dog is so well taken care fof by them trough his Cancer journey …..get the optional rider for integrative and holistic care

  14. As a member of the Fetch by the Dodo team(previously Petplan), we agree that having Pet Insurance is a real-life saver!

  15. Get pet insurance even if it means cutting back monthly on other things.

    I enrolled my dog Teddy in 2015 with HealthyPaws after many of my previous dogs had arthritis and hip issues as they aged. I figured this would be worth it down the road since hes also a big dog, a Akita/German Shep mix. I signed him up for the 90%, $100 annual deductible plan. The plan started around the 35 dollar mark and every year has gone up but its still worth it. It is at about 75 a month now but pet insurance allows you to be VERY aggressive in treating any illness. They cover his monthly glucosamine shots and his UTI treatments, it all adds up. And it also provides you peace of mind.

    Roughly 2 years into having him he had a mast cell tumor pop up on his chest. Was able to have that removed surgically and HealthyPaws covered every penny of what they stated they would. That ended up being well over 3000 dollars.

    Last week he was having neurological issues and discovered during a MRI that he has a brain tumor that is inoperable. However because of pet insurance, he just started radiation and chemotherapy and I hope I am able to prolong his life with the best quality he can have and this is only because of pet insurance.

    I was on the fence like many others but I won’t ever had a dog without it now. Shave your phone bills or cable bills if you have to, its worth it folks.

  16. Thanks for the informative video and the cute footage at the end. Would you consider sharing an updated one based upon any new insurances available for 2023?

  17. Not a word about premium increases, based upon utilization, your pet’s age, or both. If this isn’t part of your due diligence, you may be in for a big surprise.

  18. I think a lot of emphasis needs to be placed also on Care Credit along with pet insurance. Without it, you may have to make a life and death decision based on finances because you don’t have the money upfront to cover the bill.

  19. Thoughts on Spot Pet Insurance? 3 cats between ages of 3 and 5 costs $112. I will do research on the companies your recommended too!

  20. Many insurance companies specify what they consider a reasonable amount that a procedure should cost. Then they pay the percentage of that amount, not of the actual amount charged.

  21. Be sure that you check your voluntary benefits with your employer and see if they offer pet insurance. I signed up my two dogs and three cats and getting a payroll deduction of about $50 a pay period ($100 a month) for all 5. My company offers coverage from Nationwide and have a $250 deductible and 70% reimbursement.

  22. Yes please get insurance for your pets. I just learned the hard way. I recently had to make the very hard decision to put my dog down after she was diagnosed with diabetes and pancreatitis. It happened so quick. She suddenly stopped eating and was constantly vomiting. Took her to the emergency and that’s when I found out. She was there for about 3 days but was getting worse by the day, so I had to make the decision. I had no idea about pet insurance until that happened but by then it was too late. This situation shattered my heart into pieces and I wish I had known before. I ended up paying $7000 just to turn around and have to put her down. PLEASE learn from me and get insurance for your pets because they are family and it is very hard especially when it could have been possible to do more for them to get better.

  23. I have Trupanion with a $40 premium for my 6 month orange cat Liir. I have a $0 deductible, 90% coverage, and no cap. I also like that it’ll pay the vet directly instead of send me a reimbursement

  24. well structured video and thank you for providing a great wealth of info on a topic that is currently on my mind as I plan for bringing a new pet into my world. Definitely liked and subbed. I look forward to see what else you post. Thanks again & take care!

  25. Great vid. FYI, clicked on your first PetPlan link & it’s doesn’t work. Tried the 2nd link for PetPlan/Fetch & it doesn’t work either.

  26. Wonderful video! I adopted my dog last March and I am definitely getting him pet insurance so right now I am trying to decide which one. This video is helping me a lot. Thank you so much!

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