These Dog Clothes Keep Pets Cool in the Heat

These Dog Clothes Keep Pets Cool in the Heat

Humans aren’t the only ones who need to beat the heat, so a fashion company and a veterinarian teamed up to help our furry family members during a heatwave. Maternity clothing line Sweet Mommy created tiny mesh outfits that help circulate cool air around an animal’s body with the help of a little fan. Even the tiniest canine can take a walk wearing one of these outfits. The fan and battery pack are so small, they only weigh about 3 ounces.


  1. You fool …. don’t put clothes on animals just place them in shed or some cool places in home you can turn on fan / AC .

    And most importantly they don’t need extra baggage on thier body it’s after receiving on them

  2. All the air you’re pushing onto one fan sized spot on the dog’s back isn’t going to compensate for the heat from the battery I’d suspect.

  3. Its only going to ‘cool’ that tiny part where the fan is touching the dogs back. The rest of the mesh is just extra material and will actually be heating the dog up more Id imagine. Maybe the color of the material will help dark colored dogs because of the light being reflected instead of absorbed. Thats about it though, just a gimmick

  4. Umm… No thanks! Just be smart and pay attention to the weather. That outfit would make them hotter not cooler… 🤦

  5. THIS IS especially PERFECT for dogs with SMUSHED/FLAT FACES! (Pugs, English bulldogs, pit bulls, boxers, Shih tzus, Boston Terriers, Frenchies, etc.)

  6. Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, therefore, if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life. told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and liberates and gives eternal life3

  7. How about just keeping your dog indoors when it’s 107 degrees. Why do you need to go for a walk in that kind of weather?

  8. I like the concept and I’m not positive but I don’t think this would really do anything. Fan is to small and close to do much of anything and even with it being mesh the cloths would add more heat by pushing down on the fur making it breath less. And wouldn’t it just push hot air from around the dog into the dogs fur?

  9. so to prevent dogs from overheating you strap a battery pack and and a fan to a dog with a mesh shirt?
    dogs can cool down by themselves just don’t push them to hard.

    all fun and games until one white ladies accessory gets electrocuted.

  10. Possibly the stupidest thing ever. Firstly fans keep people cool by the evaporation of perspiration and dogs don’t perspire so the cooling effect that we feel, dogs don’t feel. Secondly there needs to be distance between the fan and the body for any cooling effect. Thirdly, fans just blow out the same temperature air as it sucks in so all that fan is doing is constantly blowing hot air over the dog. Some people have too much money and not enough sense.

  11. I wish my pup (who is a medium size and not tiny) would allow me to put a shirt on her and I could potentially make her one but she won’t wear a shirt

  12. this looks good on paper but i cant see this working the fan is doing nothing that close all its doing is pushing air into one spot the mesh isnt keeping any air in of course nor helping it circulate your just sticking a small fan on your dogs back lmao

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